Friday 4 February 2011

Goodwin's Analysis

1) Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band).

2) There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

3) There is a relationship between music and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

4) The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).

5) There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

6) There is often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).

The style of our video goes against the genre characteristics, the dance group towards the end of the video is the only part that goes with the song genre.
The song itself sounds like a remixed old horror theme; the relationship with the video would be the old-style horror film we’ve emulated.
We haven’t stuck with the contemporary idea of objectify women as sexual objects, instead we’ve copied what they were shown as in the early 1900’s.
Our whole video is an intertextual reference to Frankenstein’s Monster.

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