Tuesday 11 January 2011

Analysis of Rock Star by Rihanna

Camera work

The music video uses a range of different shots but mostly close ups the effect of this is to engage the audience and also as if to drag the audience into the music video, the music "Rockstar" mainly consist of two second shots or just a bit more making the shots very quick and rapid this was very good in the way it kept the audiences attention it gives the audience feeling as if they were in a club partying because thats the effect it gives. We liked the way the shots were very quick and sharp so we incorporated that into our music video giving it that cutting edge and also giving us that power to keep the attention of our audience.


Quick fast jump cuts are used through out the whole music video; the jump cuts give the music video an energetic feel, the music video also uses a series of visual effects the main effect we see being used is a strobe light, but the use of the black and white effect made the video seem very gritty and dark it really felt like a rock song and we liked the idea of our video being dark and gritty so made our video black and white.


The mise-en-scene was very simple in this video, what stood out for me was the use of dark gloomy colors although it was in black and white the way the artist was dressed really grabbed my attention, her make up was dark and raw, her clothes were torn and her hair was very wild, and when we saw this it immediately gave us ideas on ways we could add to our music video and the reason we wanted to use this was because of the effect it had on us as a audience it was able to grab our attention and just maintain it through out the whole video and thats what we wanted to achieve.


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