Wednesday 12 January 2011

Analysis of Far East Movement - Like A G6 ft. The Cataracs, DEV

In this video they have used a limited amount of camera shots, angles and movements. The establishing shot shows us the modern setting of the video. The whole video is in one continuous point of view shot, therefore using subjective filming throughout the video to put the audience in the action. which is modern technique used as the audiences today like to be more involved. Hand-held camera is used to give that unsteady/shaky feeling and to create realism. Only close-up and medium shots are used throughout the video, and I think that is to keep in with the tone of the song which is very in your face. A fast paced pan is used to go from one location to another and to go from person to person. A few zooms in and out are used in the video for us to focus on the person. A low angle shot is used to end the video to show us the power of the plane which is a G6 and the people who went inside.

They have used a lot of effects like most music videos in their editing process. The fast paced edit/cuts from shot to shot in the video are used to go with the fast beat of the music and lyrics. A bad TV effect was used a few times when going from one shot to another, to give parting/clubbing feeling. Also a blurred effect is used to give a drowsy/drunk feeling.

The mise-en-scene in the video is very modern. Ambient lighting is used in the video to create that clubbing atmosphere. From what the people in the video are wearing and the setting of a club, we can see that they are trying to make that partying/clubbing feeling. From the clothes that most of the women in the video are wearing they have gone with that stereotypical view of women being seen as only objects, apart from one of the women in the club who wears suitable clothing that is not revealing which is a juxtaposition from the other women in the video, but this is done to appeal to the modern audience.

With the sound of the music it is very fast to go with a party scene and the voices are modulated at points to create atmosphere to go with the actions in this modern video. Overall the camera work, sound, editing and mise-en-scene all work well to make a great modern party song and music video.

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